KRC is committed to the Community Development Principles of
Collectivity, Community Empowerment, Social Justice & Sustainable Development, Human Rights, Equality & Anti-discrimination, Participation
Knockanrawley Resource Centre provides a holistic, whole-of-community approach to community empowerment and development and is a one-point access to an extensive range of individual, family and community supports, services and information. We understand that the challenges and stresses that our community face are multi-faceted and multi-dimensional. We respond by providing a wrap-around service that is bespoke and tailored to the identified need and aspirations. In addition to our on-going supports and services the Centre also provides outreach facilities to a number of organisations such as Cuan Saor, HSE addiction services and Probation services. To facilitate the Centre’s financial security our facilities, when not in use by the community, are available to rent for trainings, workshops, meetings and events.
is of a socially just, diverse and empowering society where courage is encouraged and fear is understood.
is to encourage, foster and empower people, families and community as a whole to identify and make changes that enhance their lives. To do this we frame our work around five key community development values.
• Social Justice and Sustainable Development • Participation • Collectivity• Community Empowerment
• Human Rights, Equality and Anti-Discrimination

Knockanrawley Resource Centre provides a holistic, whole-of-community approach to community empowerment and development and is a one-point access to an extensive range of individual, family and community supports, services and information. We understand that the challenges and stresses that our community face are multi-faceted and multi-dimensional. We respond by providing a wrap-around service that is bespoke and tailored to the identified need and aspirations. In addition to our on-going supports and services the Centre also provides outreach facilities to a number of organisations such as Cuan Saor, HSE addiction services and Probation services. To facilitate the Centre’s financial security our facilities, when not in use by the community, are available to rent for trainings, workshops, meetings and events.
is of a socially just, diverse and empowering society where courage is encouraged and fear is understood.
is to encourage, foster and empower people, families and community as a whole to identify and make changes that enhance their lives. To do this we frame our work around five key community development values.
• Social Justice and Sustainable Development • Participation • Collectivity• Community Empowerment
• Human Rights, Equality and Anti-Discrimination

Want to read more about Knockanrawley Resource Centre
Click Below for our Annual Report & Financial Statement 2020
How we are Governed
KRC is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. Established in 1991 with a Constitution and Articles of Association the Centre is governed by an independent Voluntary Board of Directors that meet 11 times per year with expertise in Finance, HR, Childcare, Social Inclusion and Adult Education. The Board has four sub-committees: Audit and Finance; Staff and HR; Childcare, and; Governance and Policy. The Board is fully committed to meeting the core standards of the Charities Governance Code to ensure best practice in the quality management of the organization.
The voluntary Board of Directors view good governance as the cornerstone of effective and efficient organisational performance and is underpinned by a number of accountability requirements. In order to achieve a high level of organisational performance and to ensure the appropriate systems and structures are in place the Board ensure to the following six governance principles are applied.
KRC is
- Advancing its Charitable Purpose
- Behaving with Integrity
- Leading people
- Exercising control
- Working effectively
- Being accountable and transparent
As a registered charity the Centre completes an annual return to the Charities Regulatory Authority including a full set of Audited Accounts. KRC’s financial reporting standards comply with the Statement of Recommended Practice for Financial Reporting by Charities (SORP) standard, which is recommended best practice by the Accounting Standards Board (ASB).
KRC and the Voluntary Board of Directors are fully committed to achieving the standards contained within the Statement of Guiding Principles of Fundraising. Click here to view Principles
Who is on our Voluntary Board of Directors
All our Board members are volunteers and from the local community of Tipperary Town and surrounding areas. The Board is currently made up of the following people:

Noreen Meagher (Chairperson), Julie Gallagher (Treasurer), Mary Cunningham (Secretary) pictured, Catherine Sharp, Ann Buckley,
Mary Campbell-Ryan, Maureen Tobin and Nora Cahill
Who is on the Senior Management Team
Emer Leahy (Centre Manager), Kay Beardmore (Financial Administrator), Mary Moloney (Community Employment Supervisor), Ruth Smith (Community Development Coordinator), Anne Murphy (Childcare Coordinator), Tony Sweeney (Training & Education Coordinator) and, Evelyn Nevin (Ability Coordinator)
In addition to the management team, Knockanrawley Resource Centre employs a further 3 part-time family therapists, 17 full and part-time project and childcare staff, 32 Community Employment workers and two volunteers.
Organisational Structure:

Knockanrawley Resource Centre CLG. is a company limited by guarantee. Company Registration Number: 190219. Registered Charity Number: 20027926