Ability is co-financed by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014 – 2020

Ability is co-financed by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014 – 2020

The Ability Programme provides funding to local, regional and national projects in the Republic of Ireland that focus on bringing young people with disabilities between the ages of 15 and 29 closer to the labour market.

 The programme targets young people who are not currently work ready using a range of person-centred supports. This type of work assists young people to identify and follow progression routes based on both their potential and their needs. As a result, the programme promotes positive pathways into education, training and employment for participants.

 Knockanrawley Resource Centre, as lead agency, in partnership with Scoil Chormaic in Cashel, The Irish Wheelchair Association South Tipperary Services and The Moorehaven Centre in Tipperary Town and Rehabcare in Clonmel, was awarded funding to deliver the Ability Project South Tipperary to young people with physical, sensory or intellectual disabilities to confidently achieve their educational and employment aspirations.

 The KRC Ability team works closely with project partners and ability participants to provide one-to-one person-centred supports. Project activities with participants will include the delivery of a range of personal development and confidence building courses, bespoke work-ready trainings, pre-employment supports and a person-centred work placement initiative.  The work placement initiative is implemented in partnership with local businesses and small employers around South Tipperary.  Their participation in the Ability Project is without measure.  For any employers/business owners who would like to find out more about partnering with the Ability Project South Tipperary you can click here Click her to read the Ability Employers Pack

For further information contact:

Evelyn Nevin Ability Project Coordinator Email: abilityknockanrawley@gmail.com Tel: 083 3000639

Oonagh Murphy Ability Project Job Coach Email: krcjobcoach@gmail.com Tel: 083 1947159

Knockanrawley Resource Centre CLG. is a company limited by guarantee.  Company Registration Number: 190219.  Registered Charity Number: 20027926