Training & Education, Community Employment (CE), One-to-One Supports
Knockanrawley Resource Centre understands the challenges and stresses that people within our community face on a daily basis. Our programmes and our expertise allow us to specifically target support to those who are disadvantaged and often marginalized from main stream society. Our goal is to ensure our holistic supports and services are adaptive to the ongoing changing needs of the individual members of our community.

Knockanrawley Resource Centre understands the challenges and stresses that people within our community face on a daily basis. Our programmes and our expertise allow us to specifically target support to those who are disadvantaged and often marginalized from

training and education
Training & Education is a core discipline of the Centre since its establishment. The Knockanrawley Information for Training and Employment (KITE) training programme is the main focus of the T&E section. In partnership with the Tipperary ETB up to 18 students each year participate in a full time programme leading to a QQI Level 4 Major Award in Pathways to Employment General Learning: a leaving certificate level of qualification. The course is available to those who may been educationally disadvantaged and early school leavers, those who have spent many years as carers, marginalised groups such as lone parents and new communities. The course is, for many, a first step back into formal education and / or employment.
community employement
The Community Employment (CE) programme is designed to help people who are long-term unemployed (or otherwise disadvantaged) to get back to work by offering part-time and temporary placements in jobs based within local communities. Participants can take up other part-time work during their placement. After the placement, participants are encouraged to look for permanent jobs elsewhere, based on the experience and new skills they have gained while on a Community Employment scheme. The Community Employment programme is administered by The Department of Employment and Social Protection (DEASP). Knockanrawley Resource Centre is a Community Employment Sponsor and presently manages over 15 CE positions ranging from administration, reception, gardening, maintenance and community support worker positions. A CE applicant who needs childcare in order to take up a place in a CE schemes is eligible for a CE childcare place which can be facilitated here in our Community Childcare programme. Further details on the CE Scheme can be found on www.welfare.ie
ONE TO ONE support
All programmes run in KRC offer free, confidential one-to-one supports to members of our target groups. The One to One Support Service will provide face to face support and information to you. It can be good to sit down with someone to talk about your situation and any concerns or difficulties you are encountering. KRC will provide information on your options and make further referrals either internally to one of our many programmes or, depending on need, externally to other professional service providers. Based on need you will meet one of our project support workers. Our staff are highly skilled and experienced, and offer support and information on a once-off or on-going basis, according to you needs. To find out more check out our various programme and click here to make an appointment with us

Knockanrawley Resource Centre CLG. is a company limited by guarantee. Company Registration Number: 190219. Registered Charity Number: 20027926