Childcare, Parent & Family Support, Family Therapy & Counselling
Family Supports at KRC include a wide range of activities that

Family Supports at KRC include a wide range of activities that

Our Community Childcare service has evolved from a one-room drop-in service to the largest, longest running, professional childcare establishment in Tipperary Town. Following the Aistear and Siolta national quality and curriculum frameworks, Knockanrawley Childcare provides services on a full-time, part-time and sessional basis to children aged between 1 and 12 years of age. Services include a toddler room, playgroup room, two pre-school rooms, sensory room, after schools out-of-school services. To provide quality affordable childcare to our target community, our primary objectives are 1) to empower children through accessible, community-based childcare services where active learning is prioritised in a respectful, play-based environment; 2) to take a proactive partnership approach with families promoting Parental Involvement facilitating the holistic development of the child, and; 3) to provide a childcare service that is owned and managed by the community and for the community that is valued and supported as an inclusive, professional, high quality Centre of Excellence.
The Parent & Family Support Programme (PFSP) supports the needs of parents and children in Tipperary Town and surrounding areas. These supports are delivered through a variety of initiatives including one-to-one parenting sessions based on the Positive Parenting One Family Programme; Peer Support Parents Club and Baby, Parent & Toddler Group; Pearse Park and Carrowclough Summer Camps, and; the Rainbows Programme for children experiencing separation, bereavement or loss, delivered by a team of trained, experienced facilitators. Recently, the PFSP has responded to the growing needs of our community with the establishment of two new support groups – the SHE group, which is a is a peer support group for parents who are parenting alone and met every Thursday from 11am until 1pm and Dad’s Matter, a Positive Parenting Programme especially for the Dad’s meeting Mondays from 10:30am. For further details on our various activities and programmes for Parents and Children click here
Family Therapy & counselling
The family therapy service exists to assist, in particular, those who are marginalised, who lack social and political power and whose lives have been traumatised by negative individual, familial and institutional experiences. Since its foundation in 1991 the Individual, Couple and Family Therapy Programme utilises narrative reflective practices to facilitate clients to acquire the psychological and relational resources to cope with life’s stresses. Working with families, often in crisis, our team of experienced family therapists and clinical psychologists facilitate families to build sufficient capacity and resilience to function in ways that meet the individual and relational needs of all family members.

Knockanrawley Resource Centre CLG. is a company limited by guarantee. Company Registration Number: 190219. Registered Charity Number: 20027926