Applications Open
Our full-time Knockanrawley Information and Training for Employment (KITE) programme is now open for applications for the 2020-2021 academic year. There are 16 places available with extra allowances to those on a social welfare payment. Learners will participate in a full time programme leading to a QQI Level 4 Major Award in Pathways to Employment General Learning: a leaving certificate level of qualification. The course is available to those who may been educationally disadvantaged and early school leavers, those who have spent many years as carers, marginalised groups such as lone parents and new communities. The course is, for many, a first step back into formal education and/or employment. Childcare places available onsite at Knockanrawley Childcare. Other wrap-around supports available throughout the year.
KITE offers you tuition in Information Technology (IT), Cookery and Food Hygiene, Driver Tuition and Barista Training. You will also learn about Personal Effectiveness, Communications and Health Related Fitness, Functional Maths, Growing Vegetables and Culinary Operations.
If you have any questions about the KITE programme, please ring Tony or Nora on 062 52688 and we will do our best to answer your queries. You can also email them on